- 21. 5 月. 2024
PR for NGOs
Public Relations for non-governmental organizations is a key to reaching target groups and successful fundraising.
- 8. 4 月. 2019
#IC40YEARS – Industrie-Contact donates 40 trees
Together with the Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald (SDW), the Stiftung Unternehmen Wald and the forester’s station Duvenstedter Brook, the IC…
- 26. 1 月. 2018
Burda Bootcamp
Ann-Sophie Claus and Sinja Stadelmaier, two former IC trainee students, have ventured into self-employment and founded The Female Company….
- 22. 12 月. 2015
How can one support aid organizations by simple means?
Donating your time and skills you’re good at – Industrie-Contact (IC) is supporting “Paulinchen” this year without gains (pro…
- 6. 5 月. 2012
PRGN Members Build House in Cape Town Township
Hamburg-based Industrie-Contact (IC) was one of 45 members of the Public Relations Global Network (PRGN) that gathered in Cape…
- 14. 12 月. 2011
IC supports two aid organizations pro bono
Once again Industrie-Contact (IC) supports the Initiative for Burned Children with pro bono PR activities. IC also supports the…