Present your own company better through media training

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Present your own company better through media training

“The effect is even more important than the content”

In the media age, it is important to communicate convincingly and authentically with the public. Through targeted media coaching such as that of Jörg Rositzke, managers can learn and develop this key qualification in a targeted manner. Rositzke has worked as a television journalist, presenter and TV producer.

Mr. Rositzke, what motivated you to become a media trainer?

I worked for various TV stations for about 30 years and made media myself. During this time, I realized that there was a great need for how to present content in such a way that the viewer jumped on it and understood it.

Who are your media trainings aimed at?

To anyone who has to speak in front of a microphone or camera. I tailor the media training to the needs of the participants.

What do you learn from coaching?

I take a very practical approach to this. For example, you learn that nowadays you can always expect to be recorded by a camera. Cameras – not least in the form of smartphones – are now omnipresent. Many executives are not aware of this. How to be perceived as positively and convincingly as possible in front of a microphone or camera is a large part of the training, because the effect is even more important than the content.

What experiences do you have with executives in coaching?

The majority of them tend to shy away from an interview situation and simply want to get through it. This is a wasted opportunity. My colleagues and I try to pass on the potential of a media appearance of one’s own free will and the benefits of it to the people. Because every interview that is not given is also a missed opportunity to communicate something positive to the outside world.

So, a public appearance supported by media training can be an instrument to improve one’s image?

Absolutely. It’s about utilizing all channels used by target groups and communicating the content in a way that it has a positive impact on the target audiences.

What are the characteristics of a successful media presence?

Self-confidence is the key to a confident appearance. With good preparation, concise messages and a professional appearance, it is possible to leave a lasting impression in a short time. And what should not be forgotten is that the interviewed manager does not primarily represent himself, but a company behind it. Successful interviews are an important factor in making the company better known and improving its image.

What is the biggest mistake in dealing with media?

Not to communicate. In our media-driven world, this no longer works. But there is also the opposite: people who overestimate themselves in front of the camera. This can lead to problematic, unsympathetic appearances.

What is the best way to deal with critical questions?

A no-go is the phrase “No comment”. This can be solved better. That’s why I like to talk to my clients about what they don’t want to say and how you can still comment on difficult questions. As a general rule, always remain friendly and don’t forget to smile.

What do I have to consider when appearing on TV?

When you’re on a talk show, for example, it’s not just about your own speaking time. Even if you don’t say anything, there’s always some camera pointed at you. So, it’s also about coming across well when you don’t say anything. This is because the director constantly changes the camera angles and decides which images are shown to the audience.

What changes are reported after the coaching?

The participants I coach feel more confident after training. They lose their shyness and perceive the appearance as an opportunity rather than an annoying mandatory event.

How much does professional media training cost?

The daily rate is around 1,500 to 1,800 euros. This is the price that the media trainers in Germany have set for themselves. The price is then affected by whether the training takes place individually or in a group.



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