IC and Changhong start into the second half of the Bundesliga season

德国公关公司 - Industrie-Contact
Second half of Bundesliga season for IC and Changhong

Changhong is sponsor of FC Augsburg

The electronics producer Changhong is continuing its brand and quality campaign in Germany. The core objective of the Chinese consumer electronics company is to attract more attention from the media on the German market and to further expand brand awareness. In July 2016, Changhong engaged Industrie-Contact (IC) to perform this task. With continuous media work the Hamburg PR experts have ensured that the company and its products have attracted attention. This successful PR work is now being continued.

Changhong is also active in the field of sponsoring. Changhong, product partner of expert TechnoMarkt, is involved in an exclusive partnership. The Bavarian-based expert TechnoMarkt Group will continue its commitment as official exclusive partner of FC Augsburg in the second half of the season. The consumer electronics retailing chain with 16 consumer electronics outlets in Bavaria is visible on all TV-relevant backdrops and also uses commercials, advertisements, the FCA homepage and promotions with players. Another important communication tool is the perimeter advertising board in the WWK ARENA. Sponsorship was arranged by FCA marketing partner Lagardère Sports.

“It’s great that expert TechnoMarkt has remained an exclusive partner in our sponsor family,” says FCA Managing Director Peter Bircks. “We have become well acquainted with the company and its employees as partners and are therefore pleased with the extension.”

Andreas Hi-Jun Chin, Sales & Marketing, Business Development & Product Management of Changhong Deutschland GmbH in Germany, adds: “Thanks to our product partner expert TechnoMarkt, we have become very positively aware of FC Augsburg. Therefore, we are pleased to be part of this partnership.”



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